
To know where you are going, you need to understand where you have come from, along with the work and knowledge that has created your foundations.

My time as an Army Avionics Technician had come to an end after 9 fast paced years and I was now settling with my new young family in an idyllic seaside town in Wales. The fact that this was a defence missile testing range is not important, the way things worked onsite was very important.

How did you get into websites?
I absolutely love technology and as well as working on cutting edge weapon systems I had my eye on the latest reporting tools at work over the intranet. These forms baffled me, how where they being generated and how come the information was being relayed back to me and to my employers in such an easy to read form.

One day I saw an email regarding a training course in Malvern to create pages on our Intranet site so I jumped at the chance and was soon on my way.